Rand Marco’s art is both contemporary and functional. Rand combines the strength of aluminum with the traditional beauty of finished powder coating, from woven metal basketry to large installation pieces.
To purchase or commission a piece, please contact the artist at randmarcostudios@gmail.com. Payment by PayPal is accepted.

Aluminum / Teal $18,000

6'L x 3'W x 3'H Reflective Aluminum and Candy Apple Red $25,000 each

46"H x 24"W x 14"D $15,000

7'H x 5'W Aluminum and Textured Glass $85,000

Matte Black 42"L x 15"H x 14"W $2100

Candy Apple Red 46"H x 24"W x 14"D $15,000

Two-sided: Candy Apple Red / Natural Aluminum 4'H x4'W Free Standing $35,000

Two-sided: Candy Apple Red / Natural Aluminum 4'H x4'W Free Standing $35,000

46"H x 24"W x 14"D $15,000

Natural Aluminum High Gloss Clear 42"L x 15"H x 14"W $2100

Candy Apple Red Large / 28"L x 18"W x 12" H / $8500

6'L x 3'W x 3'H Reflective Aluminum You choose coloring! $5500

Lime Green Medium / 16"L x 14"W x 10"H Large / 28"L x 18"W x 12" H

Natural Aluminum High Gloss Clear Medium / 16"L x 14"W x 10"H Large / 28"L x 18"W x 12" H

circa 1969

circa 1969

Teal Blue Medium / 16"L x 14"W x 10"H Large / 28"L x 18"W x 12" H

circa 1969

Matte Black Medium / 16"L x 14"W x 10"H Large / 28"L x 18"W x 12" H

8"L X 5"W X 3"H

Aluminum / Prototypes

Aluminum / Prototypes